10 Years of Wizard

When you login to Wizard101 you check your friends list. Maybe then run a dungeon or hatch a pet with them. Or you can do what I do and port to them and stare at them while they afk spin. What if your paths didn’t cross the way they did? Like maybe you never met your best friend or met them in a different way. How would it be different? That thought always makes me wonder. Also with the 10th birthday of Wizard101 this month, it made me reflect even more on my last few years.

A little history about myself is that I started my wizard account in 2012 officially. Then joined the Twizard community shortly after looking for some people who also played Wizard101 since playing alone isn’t as fun. I didn't expect to find a whole community of Wizard101 players and tried to blend in with the others. Time would soon fly those years that passed after as I lost track of the years. Now 6 years later many things have changed and recently I started reflecting on those thoughts as 10 years of Wizard101 approaches.

Over the years the friends I met would teach me how to play the game better and I would soon go onto helping others with pets when I managed to get my first triple double ice pet. Oh and learning how to craft my gear, I still don’t sometimes but shhhhhh. Without them I probably would of gave up on the game and found another game. As I met more wizards I started calling more people friends and what I didn’t know is that I would form friendship bonds that couldn’t be broken easily. To this day I am super glad I got to meet them and make them part of my Wizard101 experience from then to now and to what the future holds for Wizard101. Even if I don't speak with them anymore, just know that I was very glad to have known them for how long I knew them.

One of the biggest things I remember as a level 40 wizard in Dragonspyre was being super excited to fight Malistaire. I was a fire wizard Destiny ShadowHeart at the time. I'm now a ice wizard named Destiny SparkleHeart these days. I had known very few wizards that I could call friends at the time. I didn’t know much about the game yet so I probably had gear that was bazaar gear and not good for my level either. I slowly started making friends since I was shy and scared of the unknown world of Twitter. That world would become my home in the end.

One of the more memorable people I met in 2014 and still call my friend to this day happens to be Ryan, or Thetechboy. I ended up discovering how I met him and it was when I was looking for a pet for my myth and he helped me get mine. That was the start of what would be one of my longest lasting friendships forged by Wizard101. Then in return I helped him get his ice pet. To him I’m a clumsy cat that tends to break things with my paws but I’m getting better at not breaking stuff. I also tend to derp a lot. He usually confuses me easily with his big words. If I never crossed paths with Ryan that day pet hunting it makes me wonder how else would I have met him and would our friendship be any different than it is now? It’s a really open question what could’ve happened.

And there are so many other people I could say I am glad I met so I might as well make a list of people I can say thank you for everything. Thank you Alexander LionHeart for being there for me when I needed it the most. Thank you Ryan, Alex, Yillian, Mark, Daniel, and Poli for all the fun nights I spent up way too late playing Minecraft. Thank you Mike Firehammer for naming me the ManderCat from a little joke that became something way bigger and also for letting me meet your tree in the Massive Fantasy Palace. Thank you Karic, Rose, and Ruby for being my friends for a long time. Thank you JerBear for reading this when I first wrote it and helped me out with this project. As I can keep going on I won't because I still need to talk about more things and this already looks like an English essay.

DuelCircle was also a huge part of my Wizard101 experience. I was first introduced to the idea of Clash 15 I think when Ryan or ManOfBass had asked me if I wanted to help out with refereeing the event. And I have so many memories painful and good from that year still. It was something that was completely new to me and out of my comfort bubble at the time but a challenge I wanted to take. That year lead to me making more friends with the staff I was working with at the time. I ended up coming back to referee the first ever DuelCircle Clash 16 when they finally decided on a name for the organization. I stayed this time for the long ride and ended up refereeing Clash 17 and recently Luau 18. I also participated in Fansite Fest as in the Staff Showdown where I lost horribly to a storm as ice. They even named me the Mander Cat of DuelCircle as a joke and it just became my identity here. They also let me out of the bag I was sleeping in recently yay!

Upon looking back things could’ve taken a way different turn if things didn’t play out like they did. I would’ve never learned how to properly play the game, farm the gear, or make pets. I probably would of never even knew what DuelCircle was or ever been involved. It’s made me smile from a long walk down memory lane can create and though I couldn’t post all my thoughts and memories since that’s way too many to recall in a single post. As if this isn't long enough as it is.

I really am excited to see what the future of Wizard101 brings to the table and what flavor cake they have for their birthday. They have to have cake right? Anyways happy 10th birthday Wizard101! Oh and don’t eat all the cake, save some for this hungry Mander Cat. Well that’s all I have to say for now. I’m going to go back and finish that nap in the box.
